Top Travel Destinations 2017

April 10,2017

Top Travel Destinations 2017

By Ethan Desseta

Did you travel as much as you would have liked to in 2016? If not it’s okay, there are millions of people, me included who feel the same way. Traveling more is consistently a most popular new year’s resolution along with eating better and going to the gym more. For those looking to achieve this resolution I have compiled a list of the 10 top travel destinations for 2017. This list was based on travel trends in 2016 along with future predictions of elite travelers. Hope you enjoy!


1. Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India  

Thousands of kilometers away from the mainland, India’s Andaman and Nicobar Islands are perhaps the most remote spots on the planet. Out of the 600ish islands in the group of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, only 9 are open for international travelers after they obtain a permit. Out of those nine, Havelock and Neil are the most visited ones.

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2. Dahab, Egypt

Boasting some of the best scuba diving in the world, this Egyptian paradise should be well and truly on your 2017 bucket list. Not a diver? No worries. Get your hiking shoes on and walk around coloured canyon before stopping for a traditional Bedouin lunch and tea. Experience Egypt at its finest in Dahab – but don’t tell too many people, there aren’t many places left in the world quite as special as this.




3. Indonesian Borneo, Indonesia

If you’re looking for an outdoor adventure this year then look no further than Kalimantan, the Indonesian side of Borneo.

Spend anywhere from a day to a week exploring the jungle by boat with your own private guide and crew.


4. Paracas, Peru

About 2-hour bus ride South of Lima, there is a small town that the backpackers are often skipping and not paying attention to. Paracas is a peaceful and quiet town where the sea and the desert meet. It is home to the famous Paracas Natural Reserve and also the Islas Ballestas which is often referred to as the super mini Galapagos in Peru. Beach living is amazing and a lot of kitesurfers traveling South America for the sport flock Paracas as the wind speed and direction are just right for riding.reserva_paracas-1400x540.jpg



5. Taipei, Taiwan

While there are plenty of incredible places in Taiwan to explore, you can’t leave the island without a few days in Taipei. A bustling city, full of some of the most incredible night markets I’ve ever seen, Taipei has everything: incredible food, affordable $1 sulfur hot springs, beaches, mountains, pristine temples, and friendly people … you really can’t go wrong.


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Travel ease in 21st Century

April 03,2017

Traveling on an airline has certainly changed over the years. There are many factors that contribute to a good flight. Flying can be fun for some and stressful for others. So whether you are young or old your attire and attitude and can affect that long flight.

So much has been in the news recently with behavior from unruly passengers and frankly all passengers suffer as a result. Even what people wear on an airplane has caused passengers to get booted off the plane. Gone are the days where people dress for a flight. On the flip side wearing pj bottoms, slippers and beach attire is probably going to cause some attention. Yes, you want to be comfortable, but with the airliner being a breeding ground for germs you want to make sure your feet and legs are covered up! Getting from point a to point b is sometimes not as simple as it used to be in years past. So many factors including delays, plane problems, regulations, passenger issues and overcrowded flights have left passengers weary, tired and irritated. How can our attire and attitude help with a long flight? Being positive, comfortable and avoiding some of the no, no’s for airline travel can certainly affect a long flight. Those bad habits on a plane that we have all seen shared on social media include being rude, having too much to drink, not wearing shoes or socks and grooming right at your seat in front of other passengers!  Here are some points to remember:

  • Yes, wear comfortable clothing and shoes but due to germs and bacteria stay covered. So many times you see people barefoot on the plane! What if they have a cut on their foot and bacteria from the seat and isle can seep in. Yuck! Plus, no one wants to be that next barefoot photo on social media (or that passenger clipping their toenails) If you must take off your shoes bring an extra pair of slipper socks and change back into your comfortable shoes before you exit the plane. Slip on sneakers are the best to wear while traveling as they are easy on and off. Save your grooming and make-up application for the bathroom or when you arrive at your destination.
  • Dress appropriately – yes you are heading to the beach on your destination but wait to wear your swimsuit and cover up until you arrive to your destination. Again seats are a breeding ground for bacteria so wear comfortable pants to keep you covered and bring a sweater or a shawl to keep you warm -it’s yours and you know no one else has used it. As they say in business and life appearance is everything.

You booked the flight, you know how long it is so prepare – you can try to factor in the variables like delays and unruly passengers but when it comes down to airline travel the crew as well as passengers just want to arrive to their destination safely and without any problems so keep a positive attitude, bring lots of reading materials or games to keep you occupied and yes maybe even smile at the flight attendant and passenger next to you! Being polite goes a long way.

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Airline travel and kids – what you need to know – 5 strategies for traveling with kids

March 01,2017

We’ve all been there if you travel a lot – at some point you will be on an airplane with young children. This is one of those instances where you can’t wing it! It takes a lot of planning and preparation to make sure your trip runs smoothly. Although some things cannot be avoided such as flight delays, there are things you can do to make the flight a bit smoother for kids.

Here are the top 5 strategies for traveling with kids from Uplift Ventures LLC.


  1. Fly early – this is one way to avoid delays and the early flights tend to be less crowded. In addition your kids may be still sleepy so they could most likely nap on the plane.
  2. Create distraction kits – Flying with kids is all about keeping them entertained and distracted. Put together a baggie of must haves for each child and make sure siblings have the exact same number of the same items so there is no fighting. Be sure to include some surprise toys they have never experienced before – whether it be electronic toys, games or something on their wish list – it will entertain and engage them (and don’t show them before take-off!) Make sure to have gum, water and small lollypops- not too much sugar – it will help with the pressure from take-off and landing. Swallowing helps with the discomfort and of course hydrating is key in the air.
  3. Stage a run through on what they can expect – from the security line, to the boarding and inflight – sit down with you kids and have a mock run through from start to finish including taking off their shoes so they know exactly what to expect so there are no surprises. Even run through the bathroom breaks in between security line and boarding to remind them this is bathroom break time (and that time is not negotiable)
  4. Keep it simple – Dress comfortably, add a few layers but not too many (you don’t want them forgetting their favorite t-shirt, sweater or sweatshirt someplace in the airport.) Especially for young kids make simple clothing choices - no extra zippers, buttons as that can delay them in the security line or going to the bathroom and think easy on slip on shoes. Simplicity is key for this stage when traveling.
  5. Get kids used to bringing and carrying their own carry-on bag – Small backpacks are great and make sure not matter what bag you have them bring that it has a full zipper on it. Nothing like adding to the worry list about items falling out in the airport or rolling down the aisle. Show them responsibility by having them carry a small bag with some key items and goodies. Ask them to choose a few of their favorite games and items that they enjoy playing with and have them add these to their own bag. Make sure to pack an extra outfit and socks in case anything should spill on them or if they get sick. Pack extra zip lock bags too so you can store any dirty or wet clothes and each child has their own bag of snacks. The carry on back could keep them entertained for a while with their own goodies then you can pull out the distraction kit!

Hopefully these strategies can help you on your airline adventures with your kids.



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Airline travel tips to keep you healthy and happy

February 16,2017

Your boss says…..We are sending you to Asia for 5 days. The adventure sounds great – traveling on the company dime and experiencing a different culture all while doing what you love. But traveling across time zones can be torture. Plus you are only there for five days and it takes a day to get there! How can you be comfortable, upbeat and perform your job without being a zombie? There are so many variables that contribute to a good international trip versus a bad trip. From the airlines – delays and weather – to the passengers – cold and flu season – to jet lag – it can all be a big mess. Especially when it comes to traveling on long overseas flights, being in a metal tube for 20 hours is no picnic.

Airline travel can affect your daily health and performance. But there are a few things you can do to keep you healthy in the air and make you more comfortable when you land. Here are the top 5 travel tips from Uplift Ventures LLC.


  1. Prepare before you leave – have a health kit ready and packed including your own ear buds, a blanket, some snacks (lots of snacks actually if you are traveling internationally as you never know when a delay can derail you) vitamin c if you feel any cold symptoms coming on as that can help protect you in the air and ibuprofen for any aches and pains.
  2. Add the eye mask to your list of must haves – An eye shade can help you relax on the plane and block out the light allowing you to get a bit of shut eye and relax your senses. Don’t take the nylon ones that the airline gives you as they are paper thin and may not even help. Instead invest in a cushy pair with padding to block out the light.
  3. Saline solution is your friend – before, during and after the flight keep using a saline solution. Sinuses tend to dry out on an airplane and saline will keep your sinus hydrated and protect from germs in the air.
  4. Get up and move – During the flight make sure you move around or do some simple exercises in your seat to get those legs moving – even lifting your legs up and down and flexing your ankles can help. When you arrive at your destination get that blood flowing by taking a walk when you arrive and take another walk after you eat lunch or dinner as it will help with digestion (stomach issues are a major source of irritation for travelers) Walking can also allow for a better night’s sleep too. A hot bath can help to sooth the body and relax your body for sleep, especially after a long day or travel and especially before you lie down for the night when you arrive to your destination.
  5. Don’t immediately go to bed in your new destination especially if it is day time – embrace the natural light as it helps to reprogram your body to your new destination. To reprogram your body and reset your internal clock to the time zone you are in now try the Uplift app. The Uplift app ends jet lag naturally and guides travelers though key pressure points to unlock the internal body clock allowing travelers to reset it providing a more enjoyable trip and minimizing the effects of long distance travel.


These are just a few suggestions to make your time in the air more enjoyable.

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