Why: Our purpose or why at Uplift is to provide natural solutions to global problems to improve human health and performance. How: Uplift Precision Nerve Stimulation of pressure points changes energy and blood flow, nerve impulses and signals to reset your body clock to your new time zone. What: We solve the problem of Jet Lag for Global Travelers so they can get to sleep and stay asleep when they need to.

Dr. Krebs Headshot
Dr. Charles T. Krebs
Co-Founder & Chief Science Officer
Global Expert on Acupressure & Neuroscience
Ted Finn Headshot
Ted Finn
Co-Founder & CEO
Global Citizen | Brand Builder | Entrepreneur
Bill Davlin Headshot
William Davlin
Chief Financial Officer
Wall St Analyst | International Finance Executive | Entrepreneur
Andy Jacques Headshot
Andy Jacques
Marketing Director
Product Mgmt | Growth Expert | Entrepreneur
Reaz Hoque Headshot
Reaz Hoque
Chief Technology Officer
Master App Builder | Tech Author | Entrepreneur
Paige Headshot
Paige Arnof-Fenn
Advisory Board Member
Brand Builder | CMO | CEO of Moguls & Mavens
Bill Fischer Headshot
Bill Fisher
Professor of Innovation Management at IMD Switzerland / MIT Sloan Business School

Late Night Health Radio - Touch Jet Lag Away

May 29,2024

Touch Jetlag Away With Uplift!

Health & Wellness in Travel – Neutralize Jet Lag Global travelers have to deal with not only time lost but jet lag! Every day jet lag effects on average 500,000 passengers on 3,500+ long haul flights crossing multiple time zones. Up until now there has been no real solution and business as well as leisure travelers have had to deal with many side effects of jet lag such as being wide awake in the middle of the night, sleepy during the day, or having all kinds of stomach and digestion issues. It really can ruin a once in a lifetime trip or an important business presentation as it takes travelers on average about 24 hours per time zone to adapt. Truly a game changing solution Uplift is a mobile application that provides a safe, easy and effective custom patent pending solution to reset your internal body clock to your new time zone in less than 10 minutes. Uplift neutralizes jet lag and reduces your transition time to your new times zone with a natural scientific and unique acupressure solution. Uplift enhances your most valuable commodity when you travel, your time. Uplift is based on neuroscience and acupressure techniques to reset the internal body clock. Uplift CEO Ted Finn says, “In addition to using Uplift there are several things to do in conjunction with the app to make your long-distance trip an enjoyable one such as getting natural light when you arrive, exercise and a good night’s sleep is all you need along with Uplift to combat the side effects of jet lag.” Uplift Ventures, LLC believes in enhancing health and wellness in travel.


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Meet the Founders Special Segment - Ted Finn, CEO

May 29,2024

Frequent global traveller Ted Finn knew he was on to something when Dr. Charles Krebs shared his cure for jet-lag with him. After trying out the unique acupressure activation techniques after multiple international flights, Finn knew that so many other global travellers could benefit greatly from this discovery.

As a co-founder of Uplift, Finn is at the core the ideal customer for the app; As an individual who travels internationally at least once a month, thus experiencing the intense side effects of jet-lag quite frequently. Finn, an entrepreneur for 30 years now, began with his first venture in 1987 with his family. Their footwear company was a spinoff of his father’s company, and introduced Finn to “being his own boss.” From there, Finn describes that he “got the bug to work for myself,” and explored additional product innovations. Although Finn has extensive global knowledge and experience, Uplift is his first venture within the travel industry.

Finn first met Dr. Krebs in Cambridge while he was treating Finn’s wife. From there they became friends, and bonded over their similar love for travel. Travelling internationally starting at age 13, Finn could relate to the feelings of jet-lag. Inspired by Dr. Krebs’ discoveries, he decided to try the accupressure point activation on himself. After realizing how useful and effective Dr. Krebs’ system was, he knew there were global travelers out there that could equally benefit from it.

In early stages of product development, Finn realized “based on global travel patterns that users would need to have the solution in hand wherever they would be.” The only scalable solution was to create an app to support Dr. Krebs’ unique algorithms. He also found that users who used Uplift for one international flight and felt the benefits would continue to use it again and again, hence the need for a mobile app that could be used wherever there was internet.

Fast forward to 2018 and Uplift has finally launched commercially. Finn recently got a chance to educate thousands of travellers in person at the New York Times Travel Show in January. He says about the experience, “the trade show was amazing and there was such a great turnout.” The team met travel companies, resorts, and global adventure travelers. The feedback from the trade show was immensely positive, says Finn, and that people were “genuinely relieved there was finally a cure for this global problem.” Because acupressure is not as familiar to Americans as it is to people in other areas of the world, Finn has a responsibility to educate consumers on how it can greatly impact their travel experiences. “We’re offering incredible value here, costing such a small percentage of anyone’s long distance trip, providing them with major benefits,” he says. Only being a few months old, Uplift is growing and adapting constantly. “Every start-up has its own unique set of challenges,” Finn says, “you must be successful with a great product, organization, and a great team.” Among the most challenging hurdles that startups face are how to spread the word and how to grab consumer attention. Finn describes this stage as having “a lot of moving parts that need to align.” He claims that the best part of working on Uplift is the “ability to help millions of people enjoy their travel experiences.” His personal favorite travel experience? “That’s tough...but it would have to be Florence, Italy,” where Finn once lived, “I’ve been traveling back and forth to Italy for 40 years now.”

What’s next for Uplift Ventures? The team will be taking Uplift on tour this year, and interacting with global consumers. Finn says “this year is all about getting people’s attention who travel, and partnering with others in the travel community.”

(Ted bicycling outside of Florence)

By Uplft Contributor - Kaitlyn Mentlick

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Uplift U.S. & U.K. Press Release

May 29,2024

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Annmarie Seldon / AMS Communications /  617-448-7416



Neuroscientist created based on neuroscience and acupressure techniques resets the internal body clock

Cambridge, MA – January 17, 2018 – Uplift Ventures LLC announces the release of Uplift, a mobile application that provides a custom solution to reset your internal body clock to your new time zone. Uplift eliminates jet lag and reduces your transition time to your new times zone with a natural scientific solution. Uplift enhances your most valuable commodity when you travel, your time.

Every day jet lag effects on average 500,000 passengers on 3,500+ long haul flights crossing multiple time zones. Jet lag symptoms include insomnia, disrupted sleep, fatigue, headaches, and digestive problems with no effective solution until today.

Uplift is safe, easy and effective providing relief with a patent pending system to reset your internal body clock in less than 10 minutes using a unique acupressure formula developed by Dr. Charles Krebs. Users input their travel information and the app calculates a specialized solution that is applied by following the app instructions and videos. 

Krebs is the global expert in neuroscience and acupressure who developed this solution. With over 30 years’ experience; his vision with Uplift is “To create more joy and function in the travel experience” 

After a near fatal scuba diving accident in Australia left him paralyzed from the waist down with his in-depth knowledge of anatomy, physiology and kinesiology he learned to walk again. This initiated a scientific journey of research and teaching that continues to this day.

I had to get off the plane after long intercontinental trips and be able to make complex presentations on neurology.” Says Krebs. Jet lag was impacting my performance, so I used my in-depth knowledge of neurology, physiology, and acupressure to develop this solution to resynchronize the internal body clock. 

“We believe in upgrading your travel experience” notes Ted Finn co-founder and CEO of Uplift Ventures and we have tested Uplift on over 500 global travelers to confirm that it makes a meaningful difference to users.

Uplift is officially launching at the New York Times Travel Show Jan 26-28 in NYC. The Uplift app is available at the Apple Store or Google Play Store. ($9.99 yearly subscription for unlimited global travel) 

Uplift Ventures, LLC believes in enhancing health and wellness in travel.

For more information log onto https://www.upliftnaturally.com.


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Download Uplift - Travel without Jet Lag and get to sleep and stay asleep when you need to.

Reclaim your energy, health and performance in international travel.  Our guarantee, try it before you buy it with a 30 day free trial and then subscribe for only $24.95 per year or $4.95 per month for the best travel upgrade value on the planet. 


1) Sleep Better

2) Recover Faster.

3) Perform Better.

4) Live Better. 


Download Uplift Now and Get Started


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