Dr. Charles Krebs at the Institut fur Angewandte Kineiolgie, Frieburg German August 26

January 12,2018

Dr. Charles Krebs will be teaching in Germany the end of August in Frieburg Germany.

Sat 17.00 – 18.15 h | Dr. Charles Krebs, USA

A New Concept of the Etheric Body and its Role in Chronic Imbalances in Physical Systems

Charles T. Krebs

In the Eastern Traditions, there are a physical body and subtle energy bodies, the Etheric Body being closest in density and most strongly interfaced to the physical. Distortions of the Etheric Body may compromise healing and result if chronic physical imbalances. You will learn how to access and balance these Etheric Body imbalances eliminating many chronic conditions.

Charles T. Krebs, PhD, is a former Associate Professor of Biology, St Mary’s College of Maryland, with fifteen years teaching and research experience; then as a Marine Research Scientist at the Queenscliff, Australia, Marine Science Laboratory, and after recovering from paralysis he was Chief Analytical Chemist and Head of the EPA Water Quality Laboratory for the State of Victoria, Australia; and has published a number of scientific papers & three books, A Revolutionary Way of Thinking. From a Near Fatal Accident to a New Science of Healing; Nutrition for the Brain. Feeding your Brain for Maximal Performance; and the recently published field-defining Textbook – Energy Kinesiology. The Principles and Practice.

Charles has worked with Clinical Psychologists, Speech Pathologists, Neurologists and other health professionals, to develop his comprehensive Acupressure-based Kinesiology System – NeuroAcuSync™ with several components: the Learning Enhancement Acupressure Program (LEAP) addresses the correction of most learning problems and enhances mental and physical performance, while other NeuroAcuSync™ procedures address the resolution of trauma (PTSD), hormonal imbalances (PMS/PMT) and immune system imbalances (Allergies and Sensitivities). He also conducts scientific research in various fields, teaches and lecturers on LEAP, Applied Physiology, Kinesiology, Anatomy and Physiology and Neurology internationally.

Charles developed his initial LEAP system in Melbourne, Australia, but now has joined the Lydian Center for Innovative Healthcare in Cambridge, Massachusetts to collaborate on cutting edge techniques to provide effective treatments for a variety of chronic conditions. Currently, Charles is conducting research in Visualization, and its Role in Learning at McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School.




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