Sleep is Your Best Friend

April 30,2024

Person reaching for the alarm clock from bed at 6:04 am

Sleep in your life shouldn’t be something you negotiate.

We often believe and live our lives thinking that 24 hours a day is not enough to complete everything we want to accomplish in a specific day. So, the first thing we sacrifice is our sleep.

In reality, sleep is so vital for us to function properly that we need it no matter the circumstances. But the average person does not know how sacrificing your sleep can harm your health. In fact, according to a renowned Neuroscientist Matthew Walker, who is an expert in sleep says that “Sleep, unfortunately, is not an optional lifestyle luxury. Sleep is a biological necessity. It is your life support system.” Just like food is your life support system, just like taking care of yourself is, sleep has to be a priority as well.

People are unaware of the long-term damage they are causing to their health. Generally speaking, it’s astonishing that the majority of our problems on productivity, lack of creativity, and motivation in the workplace come simply due to lack of sleep.

Jane E. Brody from the New York Times says it this way. “Some of the most insidious effects of too little sleep involve mental processes like learning, memory, judgment and problem-solving.”

Imagine the things that can be done with proper sleep time. Imagine the environment in the workplace if everyone decides to take care of themselves, businesses would have a higher productivity rate, it goes as far as improving their performance and profits.

Don’t let sleep deprive you of achieving your goals, grab sleep by the hand and make it your best friend. Create a deep relationship with it and give it the proper time, the proper number of hours so you can function at a level you’re supposed to.

Be aware and make a conscious decision. Think of it as your daily medicine to success. Sleep will ultimately make you healthy, it’ll make you smarter, and also make you be more energetic to conquer your goals.

We will be following up this article with a series of best practices for global road warriors to manage their travel wellness and performance.




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